How Do I Make A Home Ready To Sell?

As we show you in this video, start several months before the property is made available. Look through the eyes of a buyer What needs to be cleaned? Repainted? Repaired? Or tossed? Ask yourself – or a friend If you were buying this house what would you want to...

How Do I Set The Price On My House?

While this video simplifies things to help you remember: your aim is to get the best price AND terms in your market during the period you’re selling. Market conditions interest rates and competition all matter. The price you want, and the price a buyer will pay...

How Is A Home Marketed?

As you’ll see in the video, every home and market is a unique situation. Good marketing plans are specific to both. But every plan will include: Preparation Pricing and Marketing Activities. Preparation takes time – typically, months. Homes must be in...

How Can I Improve My Home’s Value?

Buyers generally seek the least expensive home in the best neighborhood they can handle. Like the guy in the video says, you want to present a home that fits in the neighborhood but doesn’t stand out too much. For example if neighbors are all 4 bedrooms, 3 baths...

What Is A Counter-Offer?

The video puts this in more visual terms, but basically, a seller can respond to a buyer’s offer with changes – a “counter” – that improves the terms. You need to put yourself in their shoes and construct a modified offer that you think...